Jun 12, 2009


1. The person who tagged you is :
ThenG kor n Winny n cheesezcake n Yean Yee (im the last 1..)

2. Your relationship with him/her is :
brother n fren??

3. Your first impression of him/her is:

4. The most memorable moments with he/she is:
4got liao..

5. The most memorable thing he/she has said to you is:
walao.. so many thg we can talk... 4got also..

6. If he/she becomes your lover, you will... :
erm.. i dont 1 bcom lesbian also lei...

7. If he/she becomes your enemy, what will you do:
better then bcom lover...

8. The most desired things you want to do for him/her now is:
dont think too much.. tangkap her back 2 this world...

9. The characteristic you hate most about yourself:
useless in this world...

10. For people who care and love you, say something to them:
love u all too~!! muakz...

11. Pass this quiz to 10 people who you want to know how they feel about you:
a. Winny
b. etsuko
c. Theng kor
d. Cheesezcake
e. Yean Yee
f. Lilly
g. Swee
h. Yen Yen
i. Enid Yee
j. Li Yen

12. Who is 6 having a relationship with?
erm.. i dono o..

13. Is 9 a male or a female?
female la...=.=

14. What is 2 studying at the moment?
now she try 2 learn how 2 cook lei... can she?!

15. Who was the last person you had a chat with?
Li yen lo.. about our boring holiday~!!

16. What kind of music does 8 like?
i dono o.. mayb in jepan gua...

17. Does 1 have any siblings?

18. Is 4 single?
she couple with animat n comic n computer n so on...

19. What is the surname of 5?
erm.. dono o.. just cal mei oni...>.<
20. What's the hobby of 3?
aaa... not sure...
21. Do 7 and 9 get along well?
thy dono each other..=.=
22. Where is 10 studying at?
23. Say something casual about your eyes.
erm.. hi.. u need any massage??
24. Have you tried developing feelings for 2?
25. Where does 9 live?
andalas?? dono spelling la..hehehe..
26. What colour does 4 like?
blue?? orange?? yellow?? green?? or red??
27. Are 5 and 1 good friends? / Do they know each other?
28. Does 2 like 7?
we all are 'qing qi' la... hahaha...
29. How did you get to know 8?
form 1.. she are our class preciden..
30. Does 3 have any pets?
not sure also..
31. Are you sexy?
omg.. crazy mie??
32. What are you doing now?

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